A base class that provides a custom JSON serialization method.

The Serializable class offers a simple mechanism for converting class instances to JSON representation using a shallow copy of the instance's properties.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



attach?: boolean
bindings: SuperSet<Binding>
build?: Build
command?: string[]
configs?: string[]
depends_on: SuperSet<Readonly<Service>>
deploy?: Deploy
dns?: string[]
entrypoint?: string
environment?: SuperSet<Readonly<Env>>
healthcheck?: HealthCheck
hostname?: string
id: string
image?: Image
labels?: KeyValue[]
name: string
network_mode?: string
networks: SuperSet<Readonly<Network>>
ports?: PortMapping[]
privileged: boolean
pull_policy?: PullPolicy
readonly?: boolean
secrets: SuperSet<Readonly<Secret>>
working_dir?: string
